Kurinto Typefaces
This page summarizes the 506 fonts that make up the 21 typefaces in Kurinto.
Since this page loads the Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold-Italic style of the Core variant of each Typeface as a web-font
(that's 4 × 21 web fonts), you can get an idea the load speed of the Core fonts.
The variants are shown on the right side of each section. Variants are subsets of the typeface that contain specific character sets.
See the Kurinto User's Guide for a description of the font variants.
Note that the typeface for the Core variant of, for example, Kurinto Text is called “Kurinto Text Core”.
However, the (Main) variant is shown in parentheses, because the Main variant is called simply “Kurinto Text” (not “Kurinto Text Main”).
Rg = Regular, Bd = Bold, It = Italic, and BdIt = Bold-Italic. Lt = Light, SemBd = Semi-Bold, Nar = Narrow, Wid = Wide. The "K" figures for glyph counts are: round (glyph count / 1024).
“Calligraphy is jewelry fashioned by the hand
from the pure gold of the intellect”
Abū Hayyān al-Tawhīdī (10th c.)
Primary Typefaces
A modern typeface designed to make body text pleasant and easy to read.
I consider this my primary go-to font for typesetting body text. In addition to the standard variants, the Kurinto Text Music fonts provide access to a rich set of glyphs for typesetting musical staff notation.
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (33K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (1.9K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (30K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (16K–61K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (3.0K–3.7K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Music (51K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A classical “old-style” typeface based on a design from the Italian Renaissance.
It is suitable for academic works and any publication where a classical or historical look is suitable. The diacritics are sized and positioned for legibility.
An additional variant provides support for MUFI3 (the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative).
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (32K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (1.9K glyphs) Lt, LtIt, Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (30K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (39K–61K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (3.0K–3.7K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- UFI (9.7K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A clean, Gothic, sans-serif design focused on readability. Kurinto Book Bold is distinctive in that it is more compact than the Regular style.
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (28K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt,
SemBd, SemBdIt
- Core (1.0K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt,
SemBd, SemBdIt
- Aux (35K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (17K–60K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (2.0K–2.3K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Music (46K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A Humanist, “semi-serif” typeface with tapered strokes and very modest serifs.
The name “Seri” is a contraction of “semi-serif” (and also a play on truncating the word ”serif”).
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (26K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (986 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (35K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (17K–60K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (2.0K–2.2K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
Accommodates diverse writing systems in a “faux-monospaced” typeface.
The characters occupy one of of three widths: 1×, 2×, or 3× the width of the Latin letters.
This approach can be termed “duospaced” or “multi-spaced”.
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (9.1K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt,
NarRg, NarBd, NarIt, NarBdIt,
SemWidRg, SemWidBd,
SemWidIt, SemWidBdIt
- Core (987 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (8.2K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
(31K–60K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
Secondary Typefaces
An alternative book typeface with a particular flair, based on a Modified Venetian design.
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (31K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (814 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (29K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (15K–60K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (1.9–2.6K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A relaxed Humanist design suitable for informal body text or headings.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (1.6K glyphs) Lt, Rg, SemBd, Bd, LtIt, It, SemBdIt, BdIt
A contemporary design based on the newsprint tradition. While
Kurinto News is designed in the style of Times New Roman, the letters are generally wider than the original font.
A document set in Times New Roman will expand if you switch to Kurinto News.
For fonts that avoid this issue, see Kurinto TRom and Kurinto TMod below.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (1.3K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A “blackletter” design that emulates the masthead of The New York Times.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (1.6K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
NarRg, NarBd, NarIt, NarBdIt
WidRg, WidBd, WidIt, WidBdIt
An ultra-thin design that emulates the trace of a plotter pen. What you are reading is actually Kurinto Plot Bold.
Here is Kurinto Plot Regular.
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (21K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (1.1K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- JP (17K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
An old-style Garalde typeface based on the Clarendon designs of the 17th century.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (1.1K–1.7K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- UFI (8.7K–9.3K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A multi-spaced typeface designed to evoke a typewritten feel.
Sampler PDF |
- (Main) (25K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
NarRg, NarBd, NarIt, NarBdIt
SemWidRg, SemWidBd, SemWidIt, SemWidBdIt
- Core (1.6K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- JP (18K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
Metric Compatible Typefaces
Metric compatible fonts match the metrics (i.e. glyph dimensions) of another font.
If you replace a font with a metric-compatible alternative, the formatting of the document or web page should not change.
Line and page breaks should stay in the same locations, and text in frames or boxes should not overflow their boundaries.
A metric-compatible replacement for Arial.
Sampler PDF (Core) Sampler PDF (Main) |
- (Main) (25K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (1.6K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (36K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (18K–61K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (2.6–2.9K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Cambria.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (748–752 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Calbri.
Sampler PDF (Core) Sampler PDF (Main) |
- (Main) (25K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (1.0K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (35K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (17K–60K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (1.9–2.2K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Courier New.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (719–720 glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Courier New.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (1.6K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Monotype Garamond.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (1.7K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Georgia.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (891–894 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Times New Roman with more modern character designs.
Sampler PDF (Core) Sampler PDF (Main) |
- (Main) (31K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Core (714 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- Aux (29K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- HK, JP, KR, SC, TC, CJK (15K–60K glyphs)
Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
- KM, TB (1.8–2.5K glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt
A metric-compatible replacement for Times New Roman with traditional character designs.
Sampler PDF |
- Core (724–748 glyphs) Rg, Bd, It, BdIt